Daily Archives: January 16, 2008

Baked beans are good for your heart…

The more you eat the more you fart.

Yeah? No shit, Sherlock.

I’m fart-dutching my apartment up big-time thanks to those powerful little beans.

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Filed under Life is noice

She’s a sugar freak, sugar freak…

As I celebrated my 1.8kg loss post-Fat Fighters meeting last night, I treated myself to a Convenience Store visit (aka Pick’n’Mix adventure, Paddle Pop and Caramello Koala).

I didn’t see her at first.

I heard her, though, giggling and muttering, muttering and giggling. Swaying.

She moved uncomfortably close to me, and I pulled away (holding my chocolate freckles close).

“Ohhh, what’s this? How much does it cost? What’s this? Ohhh, lollies. Sugar! How much does it cost? What’s this?”

Farrrrk. She’s high, I thought, clutching my crumpled bag (OK, I admit, I was afraid this looney had the munchies and was about to punch me out for a sugar hit).

I paid for my stash. I could still hear her. Giggling and muttering, muttering and giggling. For a minute. Then another. Then one more.

Farrrrk. She’s a nutcase, I thought.

“Sugar FAR-REAAAAKY!” she cried.

Farrrrk. She’s spot-on, though.

So we munched our jelly beans and bullets, as all good sugar freaks do.

Forget being a pig in mud; I was as happy as a whackjob in a Newtown convenience store.

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Filed under Life is noice

The Fat Fighters Chronicles Part 35

Running late with the blogs… I’m just too damn social for my own good this week. By the time I get back from my little evening adventures with long-lost friends, I am completely and utterly shagged (sadly not in the literal sense – JT!).

Here’s a quick update of my Fat Fighting episodes this week…

 – Had my first yoga class on Monday. Loved it. Stretched me right out. Used muscles I didn’t know I had. I didn’t fall asleep (seriously, I was concerned :P), but I did get extremely relaxed. Yoga continues next week on Thursday. Very excited/scared etc.
– Finished my RAID last night. It was a whopping success, I lost 1.8kg this week (a tonne of that would have been water, but I’m definitely feeling better after my Christmas antics).
– Started a new RAID today that finishes off on Monday night (Tuesday is my birthday… already counting down!). Won’t be quite as strict as I was with the first one, but I’m exercising every day and concentrating on eating healthy, wholesome food.
– My pretend son, let’s call him Greek Pete, said something that struck a chord with me tonight: “It’s funny, isn’t it? All this time and effort we put into eating right and dieting… but how often do we think about making our mind healthy, too.” Love it. Petey, you get me every time, sweet child (not to mention thanks for that delicious wholemeal pasta and roasted vegetables dinner… hit all my spots).

OK, my gorgeous mega-queen bed is calling my name. Kite-Runner time (if you haven’t read, pick it up pronto. Beautifully written piece of work).

Boots, out.


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Filed under New-school Fat Fighters