Category Archives: Blogroll

Why I heart “Googling”

Check out some of the search terms that help people stumble headfirst into The Fat Fighters Chronicles:

“low fat rum balls”
“daniel mostyn”
“french knickers wedgie”
“messy wedgie” (ummmmmmmmmmm?)
“fat shitting”
“eat yourself into a coma”
“apples make me fart”
“hot midriffs”
“smelly fart chicken”
“sex in kitchen”
“fart fighters”
“i am weeing”
“ze fat”

BAHAHAHA. Well, after all the times people find my blog using the word “fart”, I’m considering changing it to THE FART FIGHTERS CHRONICLES. Seems fitting.


Filed under Blogroll, New-school Fat Fighters, Old-school Fat Fighters