Monthly Archives: November 2007

New hair… yeah, yeah.

I am sitting here with my new haircut in full swing, feeling like sex on a stick. It’s bed hair, it’s sexy, it’s glam, it’s RICH, it’s curling up a fit, and apparently it highlights my (and I quote) cheekbones that go on for miles, army green eyes, killer lips and graceful neck. Yes, it’s fair to say I was about two minutes away from having my hairdresser’s babies tonight.

PS: What nearly pushed me over the edge was when he said: “That first time you came in here in your gym gear, I thought you must have been an athlete for years. You look absolutely fantastic.”


You’re killing me.

We then proceeded to swap fat-fighting stories, having both lost around nine kilos. Ahhh.

Eff me, I am about two seconds away from having my way with myself. Fingers crossed it has the same effect on JT. x


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Clawing my way back on…

Today was one of those days. My mind was racing with thoughts of my past four-day binge-eating efforts, mind-numbingly annoying people who keep popping up in my life, and my general lack of sleep had. I was a mole, sitting at my work desk, stewing away, jaw clenched, lips pursed. When I pop on my headphones at work, I call it ‘retreating into my bubble’. Today I was so far in my bubble, I’m surprised I was able to resurface come 5.30pm.

I clicked on the how to recover from a binge link on my blogroll. It was helpful, giving me 10 mins to vent about what I’d done then it adviced me to MOVE ON. While I didn’t bitch out loud for more than 10 mins, my mind was doing its usual eff’d-up beating up. I desperately tried to drag myself out of the mood to end all moods, but I was struggling.

Then came my happy little Fat Fighting helpers. It started with D from work who pep-talked up a storm until I uttered the words, “Yeah, baby, I’m back!”

Then I logged onto the Fat Fighters website and was greeted with something that not only helped me back on the wagon, it boosted me up there so high, I’m effing driving the damn thing. Anyhoo, I was greeted with the following subject line on the message boards: “Attention, Fat Fighter Boots!”

My heart skipped a beat as I waited for my computer to load Dal’s message to me. See below.

28/11/2007 2:35:02 PM report this post | ground rules
Can you imagine the shock when this FF in training woke up to No early morning posting from the Master FF herself??
FFIT(fat fighter in training) Scratched her head in dismay as this was the first morning she had ever had to post before her master.. FF Boots always rose with the sun,(Like all good FF’s should..)Did her training and posted inspirational messages to all the other FFIT.. If the head FF herself doesnt beleive in their mission anymore Does she realise the effect this would have on the rest of the troops?
She Needs to know that when the rest of the troops are down we look to her humour and read her Fat fighting chronicles to remind us of our mission.. To fight the FAT!!!From all the FFIT..
. . . . . . . . . .

I wanted to cry – with happiness. I immediately confessed my love to Dal via the website, then one of my biggest inspirations at FF chimed in with her two cents (seriously, Shazzywomble, you’re a machine, chick!). See below.

28/11/2007 3:21:41 PM report this post | ground rules
Hang in there Booti! Keep posting and blogging, you’ll be “back” in no time ((hugs))Shazzy

So, I’m back on the wagon. Feeling refreshed and ready.

Boots, out xx

PS: I’m off to get my big filthy FF reward tonight – a haircut and colour. I plan on strutting there with my dirty, long mane and crying to the heavens: DO WITH ME WHAT YOU WILL!

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Tummy’s Revenge

From 12 noon Saturday until 4pm today (Sunday), I was well and truly off the wagon.

And what a deliciously fabulous (and slightly stomach-ache-inducing) time was had by all involved (mostly me).

JT took me on a lovely picnic on Saturday filled with all the healthy options a girl needs: chicken and salad sandwiches, fruit, rice crackers, diet soft drink. A block of Rocky Road chocolate also found its way into the picnic basket and, not soon after, into my pie hole. I vaguely remember there being one row left and thinking, do I really need this, then thinking, yes, yes I do. Smashed it. Worth every high-in-saturated-fat bite. Absolutely creamed myself.

Then I hit the town with JT and a lovely big posse of uni peeps with one thing in mind: WINE TIME. And it was. And malibu time. And jagerbomb time. And Pure Blonde time. And behind-the-bar charity lolly time. And hot chips and gravy time. And pizza time. Phew. Most of all though, it was effing MUCKING-UP-BIG time. (I befriended a lovely geriatric couple – Neville and June – boy, they showed me a thing or two on the dance floor).

The ride back from Canberra was all about getting my naught-naught on. More block of choc (only half this time :P… ha! Only…) and half a pack of Red Rock chippies. The salt gets me every time. I’ve had an uber-healthy (and tasty) dinner: egg, cherry tomato, chilli salsa & couscous, with salad, and corn… so hopefully my digestive system won’t hate me TOO much. I’ve had my fun. For today.

PS: I woke up with raging tummy ache that wouldn’t rack off for hour this morn. I think I overloaded my body with so much crap (and not even as much as I used to eat) that it freaked out. Hey, what can I say? I only smashed all that chocolate to keep my tummy on its toes.

PPS: I think the compliments from people at the pub made me too cocky… at one point (post many a wino and jagerbomb shot), I was about five seconds from taking off my top in a dare with JT and Pistol. They refused to remove their shirts, choosing to dack themselves at the bar instead. Yeah… I was happy to let the bra-clad girls out, but my woo-hoo definitely wasn’t making a french-cut pantie appeareance at PJ O’Reilly’s on a Saturday night. The compliments though… seriously… sigh… talk about lifting a gal’s spirits!

Love love love,

The Fat Controller (that one’s for you, JT :P).

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Boobless jellyfish

Incident 1:

Running along King St this morning, decked-out in skin-tight black leggings and an oh-so-fitted yellow singlet, one charming council worker driver yelled out to me – “Nice tits!” – his voice rang about the empty street. I snuck a look at my reflection in one of the many shops I was jogging past. What I saw wasn’t the reflection of a boobalicious Baywatch babe. There was barely any movement. Barely any shape. NO BOUNCE. I may as well have been staring at an eight-year-old girl’s reflection.

On second thought, he may have screamed out “No tits”.

Incident 2:

Walking home from work this afternoon, the feral Sydney breeze whistling around the concrete jungle. I was dolled-up in a pretty new Tree of Life dress, feeling quite the hippie angel. So, I was walking. Nothing peculiar about that. Then the wind picked up. My dress began flitting around my thighs, slowly rising, bouncing off me until I glanced down and the entire outfit had billowed right up. I struggled for a good minute against the wind with my dress puffed-up around my neck, tight-clad legs and midriff on show. A walking joke; a walking jellyfish. I hope the jam-packed bus that sped past me got a chuckle. The jam-packed street sure did.


Filed under Life is noice

The Fat Fighters Chronicles Part 30

Who da Fat Fighting lifetime member? Allll right, giggity giggity goo.

Feels GOOD.

Tonight’s meeting was great – I finished my sixth and final week of FF Maintenance, I was given a silver star (you don’t understand how many I have stuck on my FF passport), I was given a big, filthy round of applause, I lost 300 grams after a fantastic weekend OFF the wagon (hello, 61.7kg!) AND I became a Fat Fighters Lifetime Member, which means a few things:

1. I have hit my goal.
2. I have maintained my goal for six weeks.
3. I now don’t have to pay for meetings – woooo!

I’m still going to hit up my/a meeting every week to keep me on track, and the fact is… I love them. I love the ritual of it, the people, the claps, the focus on a different topic each week… I love checking in with the people who are pushing themselves in the same way I have been for the past eight months. I love it.

PS: I just had a sensational Newtown feast with my roommate. Vietnamese – amazing. Vietnamese pancake and roll-your-own rice paper rolls. I am soooo satisfied right now.

PPS: My biggest achievement of the night: NOT having gelato. I spent a small portion of work today googling pictures of gelato. I wrote a few emails, talking up my cravings for it and how I was going to smash through two or three scoops after I stepped off the scales. But I haven’t. I listened to my friendly little belly and realised, hey, you’re full. It’s 10.30 at night and you don’t need anything else. THEN, I nearly indulged in a FF Choc Crisp Bar, but somehow resisted that too and put them away in the cupboard. I am completely blown away by this. Most packets of so-called-portion-controlled choc bars end up smashed within five minutes of purchase and my apartment ends up littered in wrappers.

PPPS: Stay tuned for a Big Mama blog, wrapping up some Fat Fighters stuff… this is a big moment for lil’ ol’ me and I want to do it justice… I’ve got to hit the hay aka curl up in bed and watch my new favourite show: Entourage. LET’S HUG IT OUT, BITCH!

PPPPS: Just because I am at goal and a lifetime member, does not mean The Chronicles is over. My ‘journey’ (ha!) is only just beginning. Giggity.



Filed under New-school Fat Fighters

Sunday at 8.48pm

It’s been one of those weeks.

I’ve found it hard. Really hard. I hit goal on Tuesday night and it’s all gone (fairly) downhill from there. In some ways, I should be proud – I’ve restrained from so many treats while everyone else has indulged, but I’ve also given it to a few cravings which have led me to completing blowing out. I’m not writing this with regret, I’m writing this plagued with thoughts.

It’s so easy to ‘fall off the wagon’, ‘have a lapse’, ‘blow out’ etc. I saved up all my points so I could enjoy chocolate, beer and chippies with my boys (JT and papa booti) last night. Only problem is, I embraced my inner chocoholic on Thursday so by the time yesterday came around, my restraint was at an all-time low. Tonight I’ve gone crazy. Pick’n’Mix. Smarties. Two WW ice-creams. My internal dialogue while walking to buy them, while eating them and post-eating them is so embarrassing I’m trying to push it out of my mind. The justifications I was making to myself were ridiculous. Last night, papa booti said something that made me think: “You don’t have a problem with food. If you did, you’d be the size of a house.” Papa! I don’t think he understands the struggle I often have to stop eating – even when I am full to the brim. It’s something I am still learning, as silly as that sounds. Most people stop eating when they’re full, but if you’re anything like me, you see a plate filled with food… you’re not satisifed until the plate is wiped/licked clean.

I have probably gained a stupid amount of weight after this week, but I don’t mind. I will be a LTM (life time member) from Tuesday onwards which is fantastic – free meetings! I am also feeling great (well, normally, at the moment I feel pretty yucky and naughty from the sugar binge), but JT and I hit the pool this weekend and it was fabulous – for a few reasons.

1. I bought a new bikini and I felt HOT.
2. It was the first time in TWO years that I have been in a public pool.
3. My skin tanned up a bit more… so I feel even slimmer.
4. Relaxing by the pool (munching Red Rock chippies :P) with my man was just divine.

I don’t know what’s going to happen at weigh-in on Tues night… and I shouldn’t care. I’ve planned my meals for tomorrow (All-Bran for brekkie, a chickpea/lentil/vegetable curry for lunch, and a lentil/tomato dish with rice for dinner) and I’m going for a run in the morning… so I’ll be back on the wagon which is good. I should have been back on today, but it sped past a little too quickly….

PS: I am always joking that I have multiple personalities – and I definitely do – but I have two on this Fat Fighters adventure. The dominating personality is missbooti, the super-healthy, dying-to-be-fit cooking queen who says no to crap at work and feels absolutely amazing in her size-small summer dresses. The other personality, who rears her head from time to time (more often than not this week) is the choccie monster. She takes over and makes me write emails to fellow chocolate devourers gk and Katerina Ballerina using phrases like ‘I just want to roll around in a giant pool of chocolate, chomp down the chocolate edge and just munch my way out’. Yeah, papa booti, clearly don’t have a problem with food (ha!)

PPS: On a brighter note, have a few fantastic ideas on how I am going to survive Christmas, I am going to be getting BUSY in the kitchen preparing platters so I can eat-eat-eat all day without ballooning up.

PPPS: Can’t wait for Tuesday night – my roommate and I are going on a hot date for Vietnamese… yum… rice paper rolls rock my big phat jocks.


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Number ones and Nietzsche

Fact of the day: 
House flies go to the toilet every 4.5 minutes. (I know how that effing feels… I’m whizzing up a storm sucking down 3L of water every day).

Thought of the day:
Is life not a thousand times too short for us to bore ourselves? – Friedrich Nietzsche (damn straight, Friedrich, ma boy… this quote is urging me to start thinking about my 2008 resolutions… geek factor – HIGH!)

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The Fat Fighters Chronicles Part 29

I did it.

It’s gone.

I hit goal tonight.

I feel amazing, and proud of myself, and relieved and about a million other things… but most of all, right at this second, I feel exhausted. It’s way past this little booti’s bedtime (all for a good cause, people – have been out munching down Vietnamese and THREE scoops of gelato – Hokey Pokey, Tim Tam and Ferrero Roche hehe – with an old friend), so I’ll save up my super-brag for another blog. I must say though – three scoops of gelato is a delicious way to celebrate knocking 8.9 kilos off your bod.

Quick rundown:

Height: 169cm
Starting weight: 70.9
10% goal: 63.8kg
Personal goal: 62kg

Ahhhh. I feel so happy.

This week’s goals:

1. Track my 21 points and 12 bonus exercise points use – especially on weekend when papa booti and JT are here.
2. Exercise – in some way – every day.
3. Drink 3L water every day.
4. Write a blog whenever the mood strikes me. My pinhead is brimming with loads of disgusting anecdotes to share…

Goodnight, pretty people, I hope you have sweet dreams of me smashing down that gelato faster than a fat man on a cupcake.

Love love love.

Boots xx


Filed under New-school Fat Fighters

Easing in the GROSS factor

I have never farted or burped so much in my life.

I am currently blaming chickpeas, lentils, baked beans and couscous for the super-sized nitrogen releases (or ‘fluffies’ as papa booti used to call them when I was a wee lil’ booti).

(According to Wikipedia, flatulence-producing foods include beans, lentils, dairy products, onions, garlic, sweet potatoes, oats, breads and other vegetables – er… TICK TICK BIG PHAT EFFING TICK!).

I am definitely blaming Coke Zero (and occasionally Sprite Zero) for the burping. Ew. Burping has always grossed me out – yes, even more than letting one rip – ha! – so I am struggling with this big-time.

That is all.

If you hear something rumbling outside your window, it’s just me: I had two glasses of Coke Zero with dinner.


Filed under Life is noice

The Booti History

As my darling boyfriend, JT, put it: “The booti sisters are doing it for themselves!”

The booti family has a long history of food-loving. Nanna booti revealed about a decade ago how papa booti would devour an entire tub of ice-cream in one sitting as a lad. In our early high school years, mini booti and myself would compete to see who could eat more than papa booti (two young girls battling a grown man in the food-eating department… entertaining stuff – I believe I still hold the record of most plates of fettucine carbonara eaten in one sitting in the booti household – four). Poor lil’ mama booti would watch in shock as her growing girls polished off Arnotts Assorted Family Packs in two afternoons – poor skinny thing – just wanted a shortbread to dip in her coffee. She learnt the hard way: you want to eat in the booti house, you eat quick.

Mama booti tried everything. She hid the treats. We snuffed ’em out (sorry, mama, but it takes more than the back of the cupboard :P). She fed us up with fruit and vegies. We ate them… as well as everything else in sight. She gave us about one canteen lunch a month. We snuck money from our piggy banks (or her wallet, as I dared admit a few years ago) to treat ourselves to sausage rolls, pies, toffee apples, musk sticks, licorice, Paddle Pops; all the usual suspects. When we begged for dessert, she told us to have fruit. She served up salad or cooked vegies with every meal. She really did try. She was just up against a force so strong, our tiny lil’ mama booti didn’t stand a chance. The booti sisters were growing chicas with appetites so ravenous the mere discussion of food brought saliva to their mouths and sent them running for the cupboard, eyes skimming the shelves for hints of biscuit, choccie and chippie packets.

While we were young, our stomachs seemed like bottomless pits. I was a rake, even borderline gawky – putting on weight wasn’t even a thought. The only thought was EAT EAT EAT EAT.

Then I stopped exercising. Went from three intense ballet classes a week to zilch. But I kept eating. Kept bragging about how much I could eat. Started hitting up the local mall before school, Hungry Jacks or the canteen every lunchtime and even getting potato gems most afternoons. Mama booti would make me lunch (always had TWO sandwiches – devon and sauce on white breadich was a big favourite – no wonder I was STARVING – soooo high gi!) and I’d eat it… plus extras. The weight started creeping on, but I didn’t even realise. By the end of Year 12 I was two sizes bigger than I am now.

Then uni hit. Midnight snacks – every night – consisted of toasted sandwiches. Average dinner – sausage rolls or a pie. I was too scared to cook, too scared to even boil water, too scared to ask for help. Plus, I discovered beer. With my beer gut in full swing, I pumped on even more weight. Another 10 kilos at least.

I’d go home for Christmas and mini booti and I would tan up, drop a few kilos (mucking about in sunny Wagga in the pool and walking around the lake), but still eat up a festive storm. Christmas was insane. I’d be absolutely stuffed by 8am having already demolished a massive brekkie, Darrell Lea nougat pudding and candy canes… then mini booti and I would turn our attention to the platters mama booti was preparing for our influx of rellies. “Hands out of it!” she’d cry. “The guests aren’t here for another hour!” At least one massive pack of chips and packet of nuts would be smashed before they arrived. Let’s not even go into the rest of the day, let’s go straight to bed-time when I am feeling so full, so sick I can barely move. Yet nothing would stop me from eating… if there was food in the house, I wanted it.


The booti history with food isn’t pretty. That’s only a teenie-tiny snippet. The real truth makes me want to laugh, cry and brag all at once. I’m just so effing proud of the entire booti family for getting their shiza together to do something about it.

Papa booti has always been an athletic bugger so he’s still walking up a storm and getting about on the school farm (aren’t you, sexy legs?), mama booti is doing her best (if the women in her office would stop offering her chocolate bars) and mini booti… she’s my little pride and joy. She’s up to Week 2 of Fat Fighters and loving it. She’s gyming it, texting and calling me to talk FF, and really throwing herself into the whole experience. V. proud.

Love to all my booti fam xxxx

PS: I forgot to mention my theory throughout high school regarding my stomach. To try to explain my attempt to smash three pieces of lasagne then feel like an entire plate of pasta 10 mins later, I came up with this: my stomach has compartments. “Mama booti, my lasagne compartment is full. If you gave me any more lasagne right now, I’d vomit… but my pasta compartment is empty so send it my way… and don’t even get me started on my dessert compartment – I could smash an extire choccie Bavarian right now.”

Sickening, isn’t it?

This is why Core is so fantastic. It has taught me to eat slowly, actually think about whether I am hungry or just bored, bragging, sad, happy, thirsty etc, and it’s surprising how quickly I get full these days. Speaking of compartments… my H20 compartment needs a refill.


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