And my announcement is…

I’m going to be the staff writer for Australian Weight Watchers magazine!

Very, VERY excited.


PS: I hope you’re all well. I am going on a mini holiday before starting the gig next week – bring on delicious seafood, lengthy spa baths and afternoon naps. How is YOUR journey going?


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4 responses to “And my announcement is…

  1. Cathy

    Ahh, that is exciting!! Congrats Missbooti! What a cool little twist of fate – who would have thought it 3 years ago? Mmm a mini holidays sounds great – my next holiday isnt til November though. Keep us updated! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Congratulations! I’ll definitely be picking up an issue soon. Enjoy the holiday ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Cheers guys – feeling a bit nervous (start tomorrow) but very excited. Hope all is well. x

  4. Cathy

    Good luck! Looking forward to the update on how it went ๐Ÿ™‚

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